Are You An SRI Affiliate?

March 9, 2016

You are receiving this email because you are on the SRI email list! This list allows you to receive news from the School Reform Initiative, learn about upcoming events and read about the amazing things happening in the SRI community worldwide.

However, did you know that there is another level of SRI involvement?  Become an SRI affiliate today!

School Reform Initiative affiliates are individuals who have taken the extra step of demonstrating their commitment to SRI and the SRI community. We see this process as a way to self-identify as an active member of SRI. Joining as an affiliate will allow you to participate in the organization in many ways and become eligible for benefits, including:

  • Invitations to join SRI affiliates for events and gatherings
  • Ability to vote and run for election to the SRI board of directors
  • Opportunity to apply for scholarships, learning grants, and to be a facilitator for work contracted through the national office
  • Ability to promote your facilitation work on the SRI website
  • Reduced registration fees for Winter Meeting and select SRI events
  • Most importantly, help SRI demonstrate the power of our work and the strength of our network

Becoming an SRI affiliate is easy; there are no financial requirements or obligations.  Affiliation is an annual process, and you must reaffirm your affiliate status each year.

Affiliation helps us build a community that works to further our mission of being fiercely committed to educational equity and excellence.  Please join us and affiliate or renew your affiliation today!

Kari Thierer
Organizational Director
School Reform Initiative


P.S. Join us on Facebook and Twitter.

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