CLEE Welcomes the SRI Community

Hello SRI Community,

The following message comes from our legacy/phoenix partner, the Center for Leadership and Educational Equity (CLEE), and we are sharing it on their behalf. We are excited to have found such a dedicated and strong partner to support our community and carry the long legacy of our work.

Thank you,
SRI Board and Staff

Hello SRI!

Everyone at CLEE is thrilled that we will be the new home for the community, mission and resources of SRI. Although changes like this can feel uncertain, we know this new chapter is ripe with opportunities for the SRI and CLEE communities to invest in sustainability for our collective impact.

Just like you, our work is built on the foundation of practices housed at SRI, so it was important to us that they continue to be freely available. These tools and protocols will remain freely available on the SRI website in the near future and will stay freely available as they are moved to CLEE’s website.

In addition, we can extend our wide range of programs and services. Our Foundations in Facilitative Leadership and Communities of Practice might look most familiar to you. We also have extensive services in creating and sustaining equity leaders, and systemic transformation.

We invite you to please connect with us directlysubscribe to our monthly news and follow us to keep up with what we are doing to advance the mission of our community.

As we know that openings and introductions are important, we want to introduce our CLEE staff and board. Some names may be familiar to you, since we are also members of the SRI community! As you hear the many reasons we are excited about the future, think about why this work is important to you too.

CLEE Staff

Kirsten Ebersole LaCroix – Senior Director of Programs

One word describes why I’m excited by the possibilities that await us with CLEE and SRI combining: impact. What has always drawn me to the work of SRI are the resources for things to do, and about ways to be. Together, they elevate and evolve communities working together for one goal.

Aja Jackson – Facilitator & Coach

 What drew me to doing this work at CLEE begins with SRI as my foundation. It’s the glue that enabled me to lead with courage and purpose to engage communities in equity-focused transformative learning.

Chris Cuthbertson – Facilitator & Coach, Assistant Director of Advising

My highest hope for CLEE and SRI is that we will create a community and a network of support for everyone in schools to gain new skills, new dispositions, and to feel connected so that they can better do the work of creating equitable outcomes for all of our students.

Michelle Li – Learning Leader Network Director

I’m excited that we can support more educators in the use of an equity and growth mindset and the transformational use of protocols.

Evelyn Cosme Jones – Principal Residency Network Associate Director

I’m excited because SRI offers their work through a multilingual lens and I am passionate about extending this part of the equity work to more practitioners.

Joel Stewart – Data Systems Leader

The work of CLEE and SRI is a means to fight against the injustices that are imposed upon us through disrupting the collaboration of everyday people. The work we do creates conditions where everyone can be on the same page and work together toward a common goal.

Chris Jones – Partner Communications and Support Manager

My highest hope for the SRI and CLEE communities is that they can join together to become a national community of practitioners.

Jamal Safi – Assistant Director of Emerging Learning Technologies, Facilitator & Coach

I’m so excited by the opportunity to grow the CLEE and SRI community to increase our footprint and our work nationwide.

Janet Lyons – Facilitator & Coach

I’m excited by the transformative work that CLEE and SRI communities can do together, reorganizing systems to support equity for each and every student.

Janelle Calrke-Holley – Executive Leadership Programs Director

I’m excited about all of the unknown opportunities ahead of us and how it allows us to both grow internally as well as supporting leaders in the field to grow externally.

Joe Pirraglia – Assistant Director of Program Scaling, Facilitator & Coach

My highest hope for our collaboration is scaling our impact, using existing resources and tools, and also our expertise to support transformational facilitation throughout schools across the country.

Donna Braun – Executive Director

I believe in this work because the only way to reach and sustain educational equity is through widely-shared leadership. This is at the heart of what both CLEE and SRI are committed to fostering.

CLEE Board

Thank you,
CLEE Staff and Board

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