Join SRI as an Affiliate

February 26, 2014

Hello SRI Community,

Since the School Reform Initiative’s inception we have strived to put in place multiple processes to support the development of an inclusive and democratic organization. One such process is that of joining SRI as an affiliate.

It was during our first Board of Directors election in 2010 that we adopted an affiliation process.  Originally, the purpose was to engage those who wanted to actively participate in the leadership and governance of the organization. We asked our community members to declare their affiliation with SRI in order to vote in the election.  Four years later our affiliate numbers continue to grow, and we have expanded the opportunities afforded to affiliates. When someone from our community makes a commitment to become an affiliate, they make a commitment to support the organization and to further the work of SRI.

As we enter our fifth year as an organization we are thrilled to launch a revised SRI affiliation process using a new management tool. SRI affiliation remains simple, with no financial requirement or obligation, and will now include an annual renewal. This new technology will ultimately help us streamline email communications and online registrations for events. The annual renewal will insure that our database information is up-to-date and will support the development of regional connections. Additionally, the new process provides an opportunity to reflect on the mission and guiding principles of SRI and connect them to your professional practice. This information will help us better understand how the work of SRI is making a difference throughout our community, and be one touchstone as we think about ongoing support and development for our network.

Affiliating is an important step in showing your support for SRI by joining the hundreds of colleagues who are actively engaged in developing and sustaining our organization, one that is “fiercely committed to educational equity and excellence.” Becoming an affiliate will allow you to participate in the SRI community in many ways. SRI affiliates are eligible to:

  • Vote in board elections
  • Run as a board candidate
  • Serve on SRI work groups
  • Apply for Winter Meeting Scholarships
  • Apply for SRI Learning Grants

Please take a few minutes and affirm your commitment to SRI and join as an affiliate:

Please note: If you affiliated between October 1, 2013 and February 1, 2014 the system will recognize your email address, and you do not need to re-affiliate until you receive automatic renewal reminders when your affiliation anniversary is approaching.

If you have any questions about SRI affiliation or technical problems with the process, please contact Chris Jones,


On behalf of the School Reform Initiative,
Kari Thierer, Heidi Vosekas & Chris Jones

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