We do not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit on this site other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.

We are not responsible for republished content from this site on blogs or websites without our permission.

Information we collect

We may collect and store information that you voluntarily supply to us while using our secure services. This may include personally identifying information if you choose to provide it. Personally identifying information is information that identifies you personally (whether alone or in combination). In accessing and using our Services, you may have the opportunity to voluntarily submit some or all of the following types of information:

  • Contact information, such as your first and last name, username, email address, postal address, and payment card information;
  • Information when you sign up to receive our email newsletters;
  • Information you provide when registering for events;
  • Information you include in comments you post.

How do I to stop receiving emails from you?

If you wish to stop receiving emails from us, you may unsubscribe at any time using the link provided at the bottom of all our emails. If after this step you still receive emails from us, there may have been a technical error. Please email us at webmaster@schoolreforminitiative.org. We’ll help you out ASAP.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on March, 20, 2018. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly: webmaster@schoolreforminitiative.org.