Event Flyer

Date: 08/18/2016 - 08/19/2016
Location: Public Schools of Brookline - Brookline, MA
Facilitators: Gene Thompson-Grove

SESSION FULL - Participants will explore leadership by examining their everyday experiences and challenges. This seminar is designed for administrators, teacher leaders, and instructional coaches who support the learning of adults in a school or district. Educators who have participated in a 5-day institute on Principles and Practices of SRI Critical Friendship are especially encouraged to attend. This year, we will focus specifically on:
  • Understanding Constructivist Adult Development: Learn how to support transformational learning and adult development
  • Designing Meeting Agendas: Consider the range of desired outcomes, how to match them to the purpose of the meeting, and how to attend to the what, how, and when of the meeting
  • Collaborating with Colleagues: Explore a variety of protocols that support reflective practice and effective collegial conversations, with a focus on how to help others develop key skills, such as framing powerful probing questions

Cost: $400 – $700 if also attend Designing Adult Learning
Contact: Gene Thompson-Grove, genetg@gmail.com