Making Meaning Protocol

TitleMaking Meaning Protocol

A text-based protocol seeking personal meaning in a text.

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5 thoughts on “Making Meaning Protocol

  1. Data can be used as a powerful tool to drive instruction. This can be especially true in a larger school setting. For example, if there are 3 different teachers for a science class and each teacher teaches multiple sections of the same subject, then teachers can each share their data to find where weaknesses are for students. First, however, teachers must have common assessments in order to do this. In other words, if all of the teachers give all of their students the same summative assessment (a chapter test), the data will be more meaningful. Teachers can then look for a pattern. If more student got question 3 wrong, across the board, then teachers can reflect on why students missed question 3. Perhaps it is how question 3 was worded. Maybe teachers then need to edit the question and make it more understandable. Or maybe more students got question 3 wrong because there was less time spent teaching the specific content on question 3. Therefore, the data can be used to modify instruction, or reteach the content, or re-adjust the test itself.

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