Since the inception of SRI, affiliates have been a vital part of the development of the organization. One way that affiliates support the ongoing development of SRI is through service on a workgroup to take up tasks that are essential for the ongoing development and sustainability of SRI. We have a small staff, but a large network, and depend on volunteers to do important work on behalf of SRI.

We are currently looking for affiliates who are interested in serving on one of several workgroups (and one committee). As you read through the descriptions, if there is one that interests you, please email Kari (  There are a variety of opportunities available, with a range of time commitments. We are looking to create workgroups that represent the diversity in our organization with many voices providing thoughtful feedback.

1. National Level Work for SRI Workgroup

This workgroup will focus specifically on developing a process for continuous professional development for facilitators who are interested in doing work on behalf of/or in the name of SRI. The goal of the workgroup is to prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors including:

  • Initial guidelines for support, as well as a
  • Suggested process for facilitators who are interested in doing work at a national level on behalf of SRI

We are looking for two sets of volunteers:

  1. A core team of three or four members who help guide the process.
  2. An additional team of 10-15 people to provide feedback throughout the process

The length of time is unknown, but we anticipate the core team meeting for a few hours each month by phone/video, with some additional off-line work.  The feedback team will meet as needed to review and respond to materials as they are developed.


2. Regional Support Networks Workgroup

This workgroup will focus on ways that SRI can develop regional support networks. The goal of the workgroup is to prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors. These recommendations would include:

  • A definition and purpose of these networks
  • A process for local affiliates to develop a regional support network
  • Identifying ways that SRI national can support and grow these regional support networks

This will be a temporary workgroup and will work until a new structure is in place. We are looking for two sets of volunteers:

  1. A core team of three or four members who help guide the process
  2. An additional team of 10-15 people to provide feedback throughout the process

The length of time is unknown, but we anticipate the core team meeting for a few hours each month by phone/video, with some additional off-line work. The feedback team will meet as needed to review and respond to materials as they are developed.


3. Experienced Facilitator Support Workgroup

We have had multiple requests for ongoing support and development for experienced facilitators and are forming a workgroup to address this issue. This workgroup would be tasked with helping serve the needs of experienced facilitators by:

  • Identifying the facilitators in our network who are experienced facilitators who may be doing full-school, full-district, or full-time consulting facilitation work
  • Helping plan, develop, and implement activities and systems to support the ongoing professional development of these members of the SRI community, based on the input and feedback from these members of the SRI community

We anticipate this becoming a permanent workgroup where members commit to a year of service, and each year new members will be invited to join. The time commitment is a few hours each month by phone/video, with some potential off-line work, and we are asking volunteers to commit to a minimum of one year of service.


4. SRI Board Election Nominating Committee

This is a committee of 5 or 6 members who are interested in supporting the upcoming SRI Board elections by serving on the nominating committee. Tasks include:

  • Helping identify potential candidates within the SRI community
  • Working with the board of directors to finalize materials and job description
  • Supporting candidates as they complete their application materials
  • Supporting the election by helping with messaging and encouraging affiliates to vote

SRI Affiliates serving on this committee are not eligible to run for election as board members in the current board election cycle. This is a short-term committee with work beginning in summer, and ending by December with the culmination of this year’s election. The time commitment is a few hours each month by phone/video, with some potential off-line work.


5. SRI Materials Workgroup

SRI keeps both an online repository for tools and resources, as well as printing the Resource and Protocol Book.  This workgroup will help develop a process for reviewing and adding new materials to our collection. The goal of the workgroup is to prepare recommendations for the board of directors including:

  • Policy for reviewing and adding new materials to our collection  to insure that materials reflect the SRI Mission and Guiding Principles
  • Process to solicit and select materials
  • Recommendations related to format and structure of materials

As this process develops, this may become an on-going workgroup with members rotating on and off once a year. The time commitment is a few hours each month by phone/video, with some potential off-line work.

SRI will provide technical support for all the work groups and each workgroup will include at least one national office staff member.

If you are interested in serving on any of these workgroups/committees, please email Kari ( by May 12, 2014.  You must be an SRI affiliate to serve, so please be sure to affiliate in our new web-based system!

We look forward to your your help and support,

Kari Thierer

On behalf of the School Reform Initiative