School Reform Initiative affiliates are individuals who have taken the extra step of demonstrating their commitment to SRI and their involvement in the SRI community. We see this process as a way to self-identify as an active member of SRI. Becoming an affiliate will allow you to participate in the SRI community in many ways.

Since becoming an independent non-profit, SRI has worked to put in place multiple processes and policies to create an inclusive and democratic organization. We hold elections for our board of directors each year, and have a fully elected board. We have an open and transparent process to identify facilitators to lead work contracted through the national center. We offer learning grants to SRI community members to support research and innovation regarding our work. And SRI affiliates help serve as members of various committees to support our growth and capacity building.

All of this is possible because we have a dedicated group of affiliates who share the mission of creating transformational learning communities, fiercely committed to educational excellence and equity. We invite you to join as an SRI affiliate.

Opportunities for SRI affiliates include:

  • Serve as a member of the SRI board of directors
  • Serve on work groups
  • Vote in SRI board elections
  • Event scholarships through the Faith Dunne and Nancy Mohr Scholarship Fund
  • Apply for SRI learning grants
  • Expand the SRI mission as a facilitator of SRI national events and offerings
  • Reduced registration fees for Fall and Summer Meeting
  • Reduced registration fees for SRI events
  • Free registration for SRI affiliate only offerings

Becoming an SRI affiliate is easy.  We believe this is an important step in identifying people within the SRI community who are working to create our organization, one that is fiercely committed to educational equity and excellence. Please join us.

To declare your affiliation, please complete the form linked below. You will be reminded to renew your affiliation on an annual basis.

Affiliate Application

(link will take you to our affiliate management site)