By submitting this form, you are asking SRI to review a protocol for inclusion in our online material collection.

As SRI affiliates go deeper into the work of SRI, new processes and protocols are developed. We want to capture these new protocols so they can be shared. Protocols submitted must be original work, not simply a ‘tweak’ or variation of an existing protocol. We are working on processes to gather variations on existing protocols as a way to share practice, but for now, we are only soliciting newly developed protocols.

Only affiliates may submit protocols. If you are not a current SRI affiliate, click here to affiliate.

Prior to putting the new protocol on the website, each author will need to sign an Author Agreement. SRI may make adjustments to the protocol to match our formatting process, including adding things like purpose statements, etc. Each author will have the opportunity to review the formatted protocol prior to posting.

New protocols will be posted to the new protocol section of the website for people to try out and share feedback on them for a period of a year before being integrated into the main protocol collection.

Fill out my online form.